Professor Teaches Excel & Word 2003 & XP Reviews
Core & Advanced Courses for Excel/Word for Versions of Office 2003/XP
Product Information
Professor Teaches Exceland Word is the complete multimedia training program for the two leading Microsoft applications! This training package cover Microsoft Office versions 2003 and XP. There are eight separate tutorials, on two CD-ROMs that will teach youbeginning to advanced features. Each program offers hundreds of practical exercises designed to build essential skills quickly and effectively. Step-by-step, how to instructions make learning easy!
Also includes Professor AnswersJust-in-Time Training. With Professor Answers al the Excel and Word tutorials are instantly accessible - only one click away - on your desktop. Professor Answers lets you browse through all the training topics in every tutorial, or you cansearch using keywords for just the training you need, right when you need it.
Professor Teaches has delivered the highest quality interactive learning for over 20 years. Easy, interactive, and complete training.
Teach Yourself on 8 Separate Tutorials:
- Excel 2003
- Excel 2003 Advanced
- Excel 2002/XP
- Excel 2002/XP Advanced
- Word 2003
- Word 2003 Advanced
- Word 2002/XP
- Word 2002/XP Advanced
Excel 2003 - 62 learning topics including:
- Creating Workbooks
- Entering Data
- Inserting Functions
- Evaluating Formulas
- Linking Formulas
- Using Financial Functions
- Number Formatting
- Formatting Text
- Working with AutoComplete
- Finding and Replacing Formats
- Styles andAutoFormatting
- Changing Cell Alignment
- Inserting Graphics
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Apr 05, 2011 05:22:03
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